The locally unique ID of the local transform used to calculate the current local transformation matrix.
The X-coordinate value of the normalized local X axis, the first column of the local transformation matrix without a scale.
The X-coordinate value of the normalized local Y axis, the second column of the local transformation matrix without a scale.
The locally unique ID of the local transform.
The locally unique ID of the parent's world transform used to calculate the current world transformation matrix.
The rotation amount.
The Y-coordinate value of the normalized local X axis, the first column of the local transformation matrix without a scale.
The Y-coordinate value of the normalized local Y axis, the second column of the local transformation matrix without a scale.
The locally unique ID of the world transform.
The inverse transformation matrix in world space.
The transformation matrix in local space.
The normal transformation matrix.
The pivot point of the displayObject that it rotates around.
The position in local space.
The rotation in local space.
The scale in local space.
The skew amount, on the x and y axis.
The transformation matrix in world space.
A default (identity) transform.
The rotation of the object in radians.
The rotation of the object in radians.
Called when a value changes.
Sets position, rotation and scale from a matrix array.
The matrix to set.
Updates the local transformation matrix.
Called when the skew or the rotation changes.
Updates the world transformation matrix.
The parent transform.
Generated using TypeDoc
Handles position, scaling and rotation in 3D.